Showcase / Case Studies / Intamarket

theIntern-ship’s Employee Influencing programme built a powerful additional marketing channel for Intamarket.

Case Study Intamarket

How did we help Intamarket grow its relevant business connections by 467% and create over 400 pieces of unique and relevant social media marketing content in just 4 months?

theIntern-ship helped to give Intamarket a disproportionate share of voice in the highly competitive graphics production and technology market.


pieces of unique
and relevant
content created

0 %

Relevant business
connections growth

0 x

ROI during the programme with returns continuing after the formal programme has ended

Get in touch if you’d like to turn your
employees into brand ambassadors.

Working with Intamarket

“…this is a great program, and the comments in the market have been fantastic! It’s been great exposure! Let’s keep it going.”

Gary Wachsberger
CEO – Intamarket Group

Why is it important
that the team creates
unique content?

People trust people… and do not trust brands. That means that authentic communication from individuals has a higher level of resonance and engagement than that of the brand. By building the individual brands of the employees and highlighting their subject expertise, the brand in turn will benefit.

How did we get them to create
over 400 pieces of unique and
relevant content?

Through a process of extensive upskilling and online collaboration, the employees are guided on how and when to post their content. This is done in parallel to the content strategy which is defined with the client resulting in a detailed content plan. Any specific brand requirements are carefully crafted into the overall output.

Case study intamarket

How did we generate
a 6,5X ROI
for Intamarket?

The initial investment required to get a team up to speed and actively producing high-quality content on behalf of the brand is an investment that is far superseded by the marketing exposure generated.

“It’s been a valuable exercise where I think we have all learned a tremendous amount and at the same time had some fun. We will work hard to keep it going strong.”

Gavin Turner
MD Intamarket Graphics

Want to chat about
how we can help you
turn your employees
into your most powerful
brand ambassadors?